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Track length: 2 hours. 

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Experience deep healing with these subliminal affirmations designed to reset and balance your nervous system. Allow the positive suggestions in these subliminals to work on a subconscious level, promoting relaxation and overall well-being. Listen daily to support your body’s natural healing process. Lots of love, Nicky x



1.    I embrace tranquility, allowing my nerves to unwind and heal in peace.
2.    My nervous system is bathed in healing energy, renewing with every breath.
3.    I am in sync with the natural rhythm of life, and my body responds with grace and balance.
4.    I am calm, centered, and in control of my mind and body.
5.    My nervous system is healing and growing stronger every day.
6.    My nervous system knows how to heal.
7.    My nerves are calm, steady, and responsive to all that nourishes me.
8.    Each cell in my body is infused with vitality, supporting my nervous system with strength and harmony.
9.    As I release any fear and anxiety, I create space for my nervous system to flourish.
10.    I am connected to the flow of universal energy, that revitalizes my nerves with ease.
11.    I surrender to the present moment, where my nervous system finds rest and renewal.
12.    I am grounded, rooted deeply in the earth, and my nervous system is stable and strong.
13.    My spine is aligned and strong, supporting the healthy flow of energy throughout my body.
14.    My body, mind and spirit are in perfect harmony.
15.    Healing energy flows effortlessly through my body, soothing and restoring my nervous system.
16.    My body is in perfect alignment, and my nerves communicate clearly and effectively.
17.    I am filled with peace, and my nervous system responds with calm and clarity.
18.    Every nerve in my body is transmitting messages effectively, ensuring harmony between my brain and organs.
19.    I nourish my nervous system with love, care, and healthy habits.
20.    Each breath I take brings peace and balance to my nervous system.
21.    I honor the connection between my brain and my body, nurturing my nervous system for optimal function.
22.    As I relax, my nervous system releases any tension, becoming more effective and resilient.
23.    My spinal cord is a conduit of vitality, carrying life-enhancing signals to every part of me.
24.    I trust in my body's ability to heal and regenerate nerve cells.
25.    I am safe, protected, and my nervous system is adaptive.
26.    I am calm like still waters, and my nervous system flows smoothly like a gentle stream.
27.    I embrace self-care, knowing that every loving action I take supports my nervous system.
28.    The nerves in my body support my heart, lungs, and digestive system, promoting overall health and balance.
29.    I am a vessel of healing light, and this light helps support my nervous system.
30.    I trust the ebb and flow of life; my nervous system adjusts with grace and ease.
31.    I support my spinal health with every mindful movement, strengthening the foundation of my nervous system.
32.    I breathe deeply and fully, flooding my nervous system with oxygen and vitality.
33.    I am a channel for divine energy, which flows through me and brings balance to every nerve.
34.    My thoughts are positive, and they send calming signals to my brain and nerves.
35.    I am patient with my body, and I embrace the process of healing and restoration.
36.    My central nervous system is a network of wellness, keeping my organs and brain in optimal condition.
37.    My parasympathetic nervous system is working optimally, providing me with peace and calm.
38.    I honor my body’s needs, and I listen to my nervous system’s call for rest and renewal.
39.    I am grateful for the intricate communication between my brain and body, guided by a healthy nervous system.
40.    I am surrounded by loving energy, and my nervous system is supported in every way.
41.    My nervous system fosters communication between my brain and vital organs, promoting holistic health. 


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© Nicky Sutton. For personal use only, distribution of this MP3 is prohibited. Disclaimer: This MP3 and its contents are for entertainment purposes only, and must never be considered a substitute for advice provided by a qualified health care professional. The creator of this audio, shall not be held liable for any injury, loss or damage incurred, caused either directly or indirectly, from the use of this MP3 and its contents. If you suffer from any kind of mental health condition please seek advice from your health care professional as to the suitability of 'guided meditation' and 'hypnosis' for you before use. Purchasing constitutes your acceptance of this. Thank you.

SUBLIMINAL Affirmations for Nervous System Reset & Healing

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