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Track length:  33 mins 33 secs. 

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Manifest your soulmate subliminals with 639Hz Love Frequency for bringing your soulmate into your life quick. LISTEN FOR 7 DAYS. Subliminal affirmations (female voice), the complete package for manifesting your soulmate. Meditate and visualize or just listen.


🔮 Subliminals in this audio:

- I am in the right place at the right time to meet my soulmate.

- I am manifesting my soulmate into my life.

- I am sending out my signal to attract my soulmate.

- My soulmate is aware of my presence.

- I am confident in manifesting my soulmate.

- I am energetically connecting with my soulmate.

- My soulmate is attracted to my high vibration.

- The love we've shared over many lifetimes will bring us together in this one.

- I can easily manifest the perfect circumstances for meeting my soulmate.

- The love in my heart calls my soulmate to me.

- Divine soulmate love is very possible for me.

- My soulmate is ready to connect with me.

- I am manifesting a loving supportive life partner who is also my best friend.

- My soulmate is attracted to my energetic signal.

- My love senses that I am here.

- I am strengthening my energetic bonds with my soulmate by bringing us together.


🔉 All my subliminals are performed with my relaxing and empowering (female) voice. ✔️ I am a qualified hypnotherapist and past-life therapist. All my subliminal affirmations are carefully constructed only in the positive. 🎧 Listen with or without headphones. ⭐ Subliminal affirmations are played at a volume just below perceptual range. Your subconscious mind hears the affirmations and begins to accept the positive beliefs conveyed. Subliminals bypass the filter of the doubting or pessimistic conscious mind and are accepted in their pure form into the subconscious mind. This creates positive beliefs for personal development, powerful manifesting and truly enhancing our life.

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© Nicky Sutton. For personal use only, distribution of this MP3 is prohibited. Disclaimer: This MP3 and its contents are for entertainment purposes only, and must never be considered a substitute for advice provided by a qualified health care professional. The creator of this audio, shall not be held liable for any injury, loss or damage incurred, caused either directly or indirectly, from the use of this MP3 and its contents. If you suffer from any kind of mental health condition please seek advice from your health care professional as to the suitability of 'guided meditation' and 'hypnosis' for you before use. Purchasing constitutes your acceptance of this. Thank you.

Manifest Your Soulmate SUBLIMINAL Affirmations

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