Sleep Meditations
Sleep Meditations by Nicky Sutton. Immerse yourself in exceedingly relaxing sleep meditations, lovingly designed to promote restorative sleep and foster personal growth through self-exploration.

New Sleep Meditations
Find My Sleep Meditations in All These Places:
All My Meditations on MP3
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All my meditations are available for free on YouTube

Get The Book
I'm thrilled and honored to be working with Hay House. My book 'Consciousness Rising: Guiding You Through Spiritual Awakening and Beyond' is available now!

Welcome, I'm Nicky Sutton, meditation guide, hypnotherapist and spiritual awakening author. Thank you for being here.
I create sleep meditations for healing, well-being, personal development, manifesting and much more. My sleep tracks are found on YouTube, my new 'Sleep Time' podcast, various streaming services and several successful apps such as 'Empower You' from Hay House and Aura.
I hope to help you fall asleep fast and sleep well! Lots of love.
Exclusive Meditation Album on Audible

I created a meditation album exclusively for Hay House and it's on Audible. You won't find this on YouTube. Although I have created some of these titles before for YouTube, these recordings are entirely unique. Check them out by clicking below, I hope you enjoy!
The album contains:
1. Manifest Abundance Guided Meditation.
2. Past Life Regression Hypnosis.
3. Soul Retrieval Guided Meditation.